Thursday, July 16, 2009

Buenas tardes!

Classes continue to go well and my host-mother Maria says I´m learning quickly. It´s her approval I want! As I expected I was put in the lowest of beginning classes and I´m thriving there! My classmates are three of the Floridians I think I mentioned before. Jane is 75 and the social butterfly of her retirement community. I want to live there when I turn 65! She´s invited me for a visit and she´ll even throw a cocktail party in my honor when I get there! Brina is a 66 year old yoga instructor, and Elisa is a 60 year old Israeli woman who is here with her daughter and adorable grandson. They´re hunting out all the local spots where tourists rarely go. We´re having a good time together and in general, the 10 Floridians have adopted me. Yesterday we visited the Museo de Sombrero where we learned the history of the Panama hat, which have always been made in Ecuador. Then we had a salsa class last night which I´m proud to say I actually went to and danced a bit! Many of you know how big and awkward my 2 left feet are! Afterward we went to a great restaurant for dinner and relaxing.

This is definitely a place where it´s easy to slow down and enjoy what is before you. Except for crossing streets - then you run! I´ve noticed that I´m actually enjoying this language learning. The French I acquired in Cote dÍvoire interferes frequently, but I´m working on training my mind away from it. I´m still in the stage of memorizing vocabulary and basic verbs, but as of today we´re working on starting to smoosh them together. English is getting harder for me and we American´s laugh at some of our English blunders after living and speaking (attempted) here.

I have a couple cooking classes this week, then it´s off to hike a national park on Saturday. They´re advising lots of warm clothes and a chocolate bar for when our blood sugar drops when we reach the top. That´s new for me! My days are consistently class in the morning until 1045, then a cup of coffee, home for lunch, homework and a siesta, then usually back to the school for one of their mini-adventures like dance, a movie, cooking class or a trip to a local tourist sight. It´s keeping me busy and I find that I need to make time for my homework!


  1. Shannon... I love reading about your adventures and learnings!!! Thanks for sharing! Isn't it great to meet new people?

  2. so, how was the mountain hike?

  3. What a great trip! I missed why you are in Ecuador, but i love your blog and can't wait to read more. Love ya, girl!
